Archive for the 'Books and Authors' Category

Steve considers a baseball novel that focuses on the hard stuff in the father-son relationship.

Several months after seeing his book, Evaluating Baseball’s Managers, published – Chris realizes a mistake he made in it.

A new book takes a closer look at a baseball hotbed in the Caribbean.

And we were blessed to know him.

Across half a century, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Two ambitious new volumes examine a couple of the more dramatic angles of baseball history.

A new book has Bruce Markusen thinking about beanbag chairs, key parties and players who don’t bathe regularly in this week’s Confidential.

Careful! This octogenarian is so sharp, you gotta wear gloves.

Baseball players’ long struggle for a piece of the action.

David reviews Lee Panas’ new book on baseball statistics.

The name is Stein … Fred Stein.