Archive for April 2007

HGH != Steroids

How much better are players today?

Talking about a great new book about the greatest season in baseball history, featuring an interview with the author, Cait Murphy.

Having looked at the best and worst leveraged careers in Part I, now it’s time to find out what were the best and worst leveraged single seasons in baseball history for starting pitchers.

… and other wacky opening week happenings!

The Washington Nationals have to field a starting rotation, whether they want to or not. Jeff takes a look at who they dug up.

Greg categorizes last year’s home runs and tells us what it all means for this year.

Cubs for sale and spring training attendance

The 2007 statistical feed is up and running. Go wild folks, go wild.

Steve asks the THT family to raise a tankard (of your finest dark beer, if at all possible) in honor of one of the greatest contributors to baseball scholarship, even if you’ve never heard of him.